Fév 8, 2025

Trés heureuse de partager cette table ronde sur le livre photographique accompagnée de Gens d’images (Prix Nadar), Géraldine Lay d’Actes Sud, Jean-Michel André & Erell Hemmer dans le cadre des Journées de la Photo à Nantes organisées par le Centre Claude Cahun. Le 8 février 2025 à 10:00 à la Maison de l’Europe.

Jan 24, 2025

Trés heureuse d’être membre du jury du Pitch 1060 organisé par le Pianofabriek & la Culture de Sain-Gilles. Rendez-vous le 24 janvier pour découvrir l’artiste laureat-e ainsi que pour découvrir l’exposition collective Beyond Generations avec Martin Gallone et Samira Hmouda où j’y montre un extrait de Ma mère la source.

Jan 23, 2024

Ravie de vous convier au lancement & signature de mon livre Ma mère la source manuel de superstitions familiales édité chez Macaronibook.

Juin 8, 2023

Ravie et tellement touchée de parler un instant de ‘Ma mère la source’ sur France Culture dans l’émission Affaires Culturelles sur Zineb Sedira. Merci infiniment aux Mesnographies, Claire Pathé, Consuelo Chozas, Nathalie Dran & Arnaud Laporte. +

Juin 3, 2023

I’m pleased and proud to exhibit for the first time my new project ‘Ma mère, la source’ at Les Mesnographies from 3th to 25 june in Les Mesnuls (France).

Oct 2, 2022

I’m delighted to participate in the photobook fair Publisher Hub as part of the photo Festival Phmuseum Days in Bologna (It) and introduce Collection Baleine Blanche published by Macaronibook during a talk. +

Oct 5, 2022

Happy and proud to have participated in Reflexions 2.0 Masterclass invited by Photo Festival In Cadaques and shared my project Ma mère la source with the mentors Laia Abril and Joan Fontcuberta. ++

Mai 21, 2022

I am so happy to be part of the first independent bookfair Trafic at FRAC in Marseille with my publishing house Macaronibook 21th & 22th may. More infos +

Avr 27, 2022

I’m so proud and delight to curate the photo exhibition Collection Baleine Blanche by Macaronibook at Maison Pelgrims in Brussels from 27th april to 23 may. More infos +

Déc 20, 2021

I’m so pleased and proud to see Appelez-moi Victoria selected among The Top 200 PhMuseum’s Stories of 2021. Thanks a lot to the PhMuseum’s team for the support. +

Oct 21, 2021

I’m so pleased and proud to participate to a creation and reflexion time with my masterclass Reflexions 2.0’s team as part of Planches Contact photo festival in Deauville. Our work’ll be exhibit next year at the festival. +

Oct 7, 2021

I am very happy to be part of the second edition of the Temple Books at Institut de la Photographie Lille with my publishing house Macaronibook from 8th to 10th october. +

Oct 1, 2021

As part of the documentary film festival Le Réel en vue in Thionville, I’m so pleased to host a three-day workshop invited by Le centre Le lierre and Photoklasch from 1th to 3th october. More infos: secteur.multimedia@lelierre.org +

Nov 5, 2021

I’m pleased to organize the first Masterclass photobook with my publishing house Macaronibook at La Nombreuse in Bruxelles from 5th to 7th november. The first meeting is full. You can pre-register for the next: macaronibook@gmail.com

Août 15, 2021

I’m so proud and pleased to be part of 9 laureates of Festival BFOTO Emergentes 2021 with Appelez-moi Victoria. My project ‘ll be exhibit this summer in Barbastro.+

Juil 1, 2021

I’m so pleased and proud to be one of the 15 finalists of Prix Levallois 2021 with my project Appelez-moi Victoria. Please, support my project for the Public Prize by voting via this link +

Juil 9, 2021

I’m so pleased to present my project Memoria del Carbone made as part of the artistic residency at Le Vecteur in Charleroi. The opening is on Friday 9th from 2pm to 8pm + Please to book here +

Avr 28, 2021

I’m honored and proud to be one of the 7 photographers selected for the Prix Mentor 2021 Session #2 Montpellier. +

Mar 2, 2021

I’m pleased and honored to have been selected to the Reflexions 2.0 international Masterclass 2021-2022 with six other amazing artists photographers. +

Fév 5, 2021

My project Appelez-moi Victoria, laureate of Mois de la Photographie de Grenoble en 2020 is currently on virtual visit. I’m delighted to talk about my relationship with memory which I have been questioning for many years. + (8th window at the bottom of the page)

Déc 31, 2020

I’m pleased to be part of the beautiful first issue of Black River bringing together 200 artists. Black River is an online photographers platform founded by Ameena Rojee. +

Nov 4, 2020

I am proud and happy to announce that my project Appelez-moi Victoria is in the top of 50 finalists of the International Photography Grant 2020 run by International Photography Magazine. +

Oct 22, 2020

Very proud to share with you the new publication • Le Petit Rempart • by Vincen Beeckman published by Macaronibook. The book launch ‘ll take place 22th october at Gallery E2 Sterput in Bruxelles (17:00 > 20:00). More infos +

Sep 4, 2020

I’m pleased to share with you my project Pomaks forgotten people published in the beautiful poetic and activist magazine Kajet who decolonising Eastern European thought and imagination. Thanks very much to Laura & Petrica +

Sep 25, 2020

Very pleased to announce that my project Appelez-moi Victoria is one of the four projects nominated for the Prix Caisse d’Epargne 2020 and exhibited at the contemporary photography festival L’image_Satellite
organized by the Sept-Off in Nice. More infos +

Août 4, 2020

I’m pleased to be laureate of the MOIS DE LA PHOTO in Grenoble with my project Appelez-moi Victoria, a collective exhibition on the theme of « memory » organized by Maison de l’Image at the Ancien Musée de la peinture. More infos +

Mai 7, 2020

I’m pleased to share with you my project Pomaks published in the Folkloric Issue of Youthies Magazine. I made this photo project between 2014 and 2015 in the Rhodope mountains in Bulgaria. +

Avr 20, 2020

So happy to collaborate with the platform EEP Berlin and the print lab Spectrum Lab on the Open call #donotkillyourdarlings for photographers from Eastern Europe. Together we’re going to work on the concept, design and production of a fanzine. +

Avr 9, 2020

Happy and proud to be part of this beautiful initiative. With many photography festivals, fairs, and events cancelled PHmuseum invites you to purchase a photobook before 30 April to support publishers, shops, and photographers. Lovely thanks to the PHmuseum team. + +

Avr 7, 2020

Pleased to see my project Appelez-moi Victoria on Sarab Magazine. Lovely thanks to Nahid Reza shateri and Gianluca Ceccarini Arash. +

Mar 31, 2020

Pleased to be part of the beautiful independent publishers’s community of Readersandpublishers.org. This website is the initiative of the collective Mybookcase and wishes to promote the independent publishing houses around the world. +

Mar 10, 2020

I’m pleased and proud to talk about my publisher and artistic work and the new collection of Macaronibook called Baleine Blanche with the journalist and author Fabien Ribery in his marvelous blog L’intervalle. Thanks to him for such accurate, exciting and relevant words. Please find the interview +

Fév 1, 2020

I’m happy to have my project Appelez-moi Victoria in the portfolio online’s selection of Float Magazine ! +

Jan 30, 2020

I’m pleased to have been part of a photo discussion with Fiona Struengmann hosted by Fiiiirst. Thanks a lot to Guillaume Tomasi for the invitation ! Fiiiirst is an online gallery showcasing anonymous discussions between authors photographers.Every month, two photographers are invited to interact through an image-based discussion.+

Déc 12, 2019

Happy to be part of the fifth issue of the independent magazine Gros Gris who focuses on the disappearance. My project Appelez-moi Victoria is surrounded by beautiful varied projects: illustration, writing & photography. +

Déc 12, 2019

Happy to be part of the Heliotrope’s selection of portfolio with Appelez-moi Victoria. Discover the beautiful others projects and their new publication. Thanks a lot to Frédéric Iovino & Pierre Rogeaux. +

Déc 10, 2019

I’m delighted to be part of the collective exhibition Omnibus Circus at the Hôtel de Sauroy in Paris curated by Laura Serani with a beautiful selection of artists. I’ll show a part of Appelez-moi Victoria. Lovely thanks to Ilaria Crosta and Niccolò Hébel. The exhibition’ll be open from 10th to 18th december 2019 and from 4th to 8th january 2020. + +

Nov 7, 2019

As part of Picture Festival in Brussels, I’m pleased to participate in the talk « L’édition indépendante : laboratoire de création & système D » at ISELP Institut of Contemporary Art the 7th november organized by DISPARATE. More infos +

Oct 1, 2019

I’m delighted to have talked about self publishing, EAT MY PAPER and my selfpublishing house Macaronibook with the journalist Kurt Snoekx for BRUZZ last month! +

Sep 5, 2019

As part of Brussels Gallery Weekend, I’m pleased to organize with Deborah Claire the new exhibition EAT MY PAPER about independent publishing. I’ll show a selection of my self-publishing house Macaronibook. From 5th to 8th sept. at Espace Vanderborgh in Brussels. + +

Sep 20, 2019

I’m pleased to be part of Fotolimo in Portbou (Spain), this sensitive and human photography festival who interrogate the border. Appelez-moi Victoria ‘ll be exhibit with beautiful other projects from 20th to 29th september 2019. + +

Août 12, 2019

It’s a pleasure to see my project Appelez-moi Victoria featured in the latest issue of Landscape Stories surrounded by beautiful projects. Thanks a lot to Gianpaolo Arena for the invitation. +

Sep 27, 2019

Very honored and proud to be invited to exhibit my project Appelez-moi Victoria at the Festival Diecixdieci in Gonzaga (Italia) with other beautiful photographers from 27th september to 10th october. +

Juil 12, 2019

Honored and so happy to see my book Appelez-moi Victoria published by Filigranes Editions last year (Residence 1+2) in the exhibition of Prix du livre 2019 at Rencontres d’Arles. Thanks a lot to Patrick Lebescont ! +

Juin 8, 2019

MOUNI MOUNI, my first fanzine published in 2016 and republishe this year is in the Sichtbar.art’s photobooks selection. Thanks a lot to Miryam Abebe! +

Mai 27, 2019

Happy and honored to have answered the interview for Analog Magazine about my work and my project Appelez-moi Victoria. +

Avr 26, 2019

Happy and proud to be invited at the first Photobooks Fair Switzerland to show my self-publishing house Macaronibook and be a part of the talk « How to photobook » 26th and 27th april in Bienne. +

Mar 15, 2019

My fanzine Immigrazione, violenza dell’anima and the project 515.05 by Alex GD published by Macaronibook selected for ZINESOFTHEZONE ‘s exhibition as part of the Contemporary Art week-end at La Conserverie lieu d’archives in Metz only this week-end! Thank you so much! +

Mar 2, 2019

Happy and proud to be part of the collective project Copy Machine curated by Antoine Lefebvre and Laura Morsch-Kihn with contributions by over sixty international artists, designers, writers and theoreticians.+ +

Fév 18, 2019

Happy to takeover the TjejLand’s Instagram from 18th to 23th february to present my project Appelez-moi Victoria. TjejLand is a Stockholm based curatorial platform founded by Petra Stenvall. Features female photographers through publications and online. +

Jan 9, 2019

Happy to contributed to the carte blanche Writers & photographers: Regards Croisés on Fisheye Magazine, a story about a Oan Kim’s photography. Thank to Eric Karsenty for the invitation and for this beautiful issue about the photography and the literature. +

Jan 19, 2019

Happy to be part of the Selfpublishing fair at Floreal Belleville in Paris 19th and 20th january from 11:00 to 19:00 with beautiful other publishers. +

Déc 1, 2018

1th & 2th december, I’ll be at the selfpublishing fair EATMYPAPER at Recyclart Art Center in Bruxelles with my publishing house Macaronibook! Welcome! +

Nov 10, 2018

Book signing L’origine Manquante published by Filigranes Editions with SMITH & Prune Phi as part of Résidence 1+2. 10th november 16:00 > 16:30 Stand S 22 at Grand Palais, Paris  +

Oct 12, 2018

Happy and proud to present my project Appelez moi Victoria at Galerie Jean Paul Barres in Toulouse as part of the collective exhibition L’ origine manquante with amazing artists  Smith & Prune Phi. Exhibition until 30th november +

Sep 29, 2018

Happy to be part of the European Month of Photography in Berlin in the itinerant Belgian exhibition Fusée de la Motographie the 29 of september 12:00-18:00 at C/O Berlin.+